Running from the Law: July 2014


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer - Lindsay

Hi there! Itz Zoey here from my momma's blog Itz Linz.  Sara asked me to write a post since she's busy with two rugrats - Mac and Mim. Actually, she asked Momma to write a post, but since my momma is busy with baby William, I'm taking over today. Itz my first time blogging and she's had the thing for two and a half years now.  Rude!

Anyway, I thought I'd tell you a little bit about how my life has changed ever since my momma and daddy brought home a tiny, crying, pooping little being whom they call Baby William.  Let's back up.  Momma got me in college when I was just a two pound furball.  I was her world as she took me everywhere. I especially loved going to college classes (why I'm so smart) and curling up in my momma's lap.  I even had my own wardrobe as my momma LOVED dressing me up.
A few years later, Momma met Daddy and we moved in.  Daddy loved me just as much as Momma did.  He talked to me nonstop.  He uses a little voice which he calls "Zoey voice" and says things like, "You're so beautiful. I love you so much."  Sometimes Momma thinks he's talking to her, and itz so funny because he's really talking to me.  I can get my daddy to do anything.  All I have to do is whine at him, wag my tale, give him my puppy eyes, a lick on the hand, and he gets up from whatever he's doing. 

My momma and daddy called me their furbaby.  My wardrobe continued to grow and I had several pieces that matched my momma and daddy!  We took lots of family pictures, especially in our college gear.  Mizzou for Momma:
And Miami for Daddy:
Anyway, a few years after my momma and daddy got married, my momma's belly started getting bigger.  I thought she was just getting fat, but lots of people called her "pregnant." They started changing our house, too. We got lots of new furniture and the walls painted.  I thought they were just redecorating.  They kept bringing home new little outfits, only they weren't for me.  They actually got rid of TONS of my clothes, and they did get me one new shirt that read, "I am going to be a big sister!"  Whatever that means.  Well, after about nine months, one day they left for a couple days and my daddy's parents picked me up to take me to their house.  When they dropped me back off at home, my whole world had changed.

They brought home this little... thing.  It made a lot of noise.  Sometimes it smelled good and sometimes it smelled bad.  Momma shooed me away before I could get any really good smells.  Momma got up in the middle of the night with him very frequently.  I stayed in bed with Daddy.  The baby thing stayed really close to my momma ALL.THE.TIME.  I don't know how she didn't get sick of him.  Sometimes I'd sit next to them.  I like that.  My daddy still gave me lots of attention, but now he was using his little Zoey voice on the little critter!

We've had so many people visit our house!  But they always go straight to the thing, and then sometimes say, "Oh hi, Zoey, we didn't forget about you!"  Gee, thanks.  We've tried to find some type of balance these last three and a half months.  I started getting my walks again.  Momma takes me and the baby on walks in the morning if the weather is nice.  I like that.
Sometimes Daddy lets me get real close to the baby and even share a pillow.  I like that, too.
But most of all, I still like when itz just me and my momma and my daddy.  My friends Mally and Sage tell me it gets better when the baby thing gets older because then he'll give me food.  Right now the baby wants nothing to do to me, and I kind of like it that way.  Sometimes he tries to communicate with me by making these crying noises.  I run over to him, but have not a clue what he wants.  Maybe eventually we'll become friends.  But for now, I'll continue to be the princess I know I am.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer - Vanessa

Hi there, I'm Vanessa from Sunflower State of Mind!  I'm so very happy to be here today while Sara loves on that sweet new babe of hers and adjusts to life as a momma of two

Let me introduce to you my two favorite girls...

Hazel & Arden.
Best friends?  Maybe if you ask Arden...but our 4-year-old French Bulldog's love for her little sister is a bit more...well, complicated.
The day we brought Arden home from the hospital, Hazel immediately took on the self-assigned roles of bodyguard, babysitter, caretaker, responsible party, etc, etc.  We sometimes call her "Carl"...except I think Hazel's stress level is a little higher than Carl's was in the books!  {I mean, she would never let her baby swim in an aquarium or go down the laundry shoot. Ha!} In the first few weeks of Arden's life, every time she cried Hazel would jump up and give us that very-human look of "are you going to help her or what?!"  Yes Hazel, we'll take care of it :)  
I'll never forget the first time we left Arden with my parents when she was about 4 months old.  I had texted my mom to see how she was doing and my mom's response was "She did great, but I don't think Hazel trusts us".  She said Hazel was by their side, overseeing their every move...and when they put Arden to bed, our little high-strung Frenchie slept outside the door until we got home.  Apparently it's hard work being the big sister! 
Then there was the time that Hazel wouldn't come out from under the bed while Arden and I were out of town.  I was worried sick, but with a little love from her baby sister (and a lot of peanut butter), she was back to her old self again. Thank goodness!
Now that Arden is almost 2, Hazel seems to be letting her guard down a little.  However, I'm not sure if she understands that she'll be starting ALL over again in just a few months...when her new little brother arrives!  I foresee a lot of long nights for our sweet guard dog...but at least I won't be the only one losing sleep ;)
Thank you so much for having me today, Sara!  I'm SO happy for you and your precious family of four!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer - Alyssa

Welcome to the Dog Days of Summer! My name is Alyssa and I blog at My Husband's Watching TV. My family consists of me, my husband, our two-year-old daughter, and our two dogs. Let me introduce you to my furbabies.

First up is Emma who is part lab-part whatever you want her to be (everyone always has their own opinion). My mom got her from an ad she saw in the paper for free puppies. The conditions were horrible so she took Emma home to clean her up and find her another home...which ended up being with us!  Post-college, it was just the Em-Dog and me. She's been with me longer than my husband!  She rode halfway across the country with me while I completed my internship and got my first job in South Carolina. Then she trekked back across the U.S. when I got my job with the organization I'm still with. Emma was by my side while I bought my first house, found my husband, and when we welcomed our daughter into our family. Emma is our "shy" pup but she's still one cool chick!

Then we have Shadow (aka Shad, Shadie, Shadowiffic). He's our 100 pound black buffalo lab. Right after my husband and I got engaged, his friend called us about eight p.m. on a Friday night and said he was looking for a home for his dog...and needed to find him one by the next morning. Again, we took him home intending to find him a different home but six years later and he's still a part of ours. Shad is a chow-hound meaning he'll eat anything and everything in a matter of two seconds. He loves attention and will crawl up in your lap if you let him. Unfortunately, he just doesn't understand how big and powerful he is so a few tears have been shed at our house when his giant paw lands on your bare feet...and I'm not just talking tears from my two-year-old but from Momma too!  He's totally the social one of the two.

In 2009, my husband and I decided to try to expand our family. Long story short, it took us two IVFs to have our beautiful daughter. During that time, our furbabies endured my tears and frustrations as I thought they may be the only "kids" in my life.

When our daughter was born in 2012, their worlds were turned upside down just as much as ours were. They went from being the center of our world to having to stare at this little tiny human who would later love them more than anything in the world...whether they liked it or not.

From tears of sorrow and frustration, they now endure a two-year-old crawling in their cage with them, hugging them as tight as she can, and of course, lots of snacks she always wants to feed to "Emma and Shadie." She asks about them daily and I'll be honest that I've "bribed" to get her to stop crying about having to leave the park and go home.

As I write this post, I realize these two dogs are the rock that help hold our family together. Whether it's moving cross-country, finding my spouse, struggling through infertility, or welcome a new life to this world, they've been there through it all. Every day they greet me with an excited bark and a loving lick. It's so much fun to watch our daughter with the two of them and see the love she has for them. Dogs are amazing creatures, they roll with the punches and truly understand the meaning of unconditional love!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Introducing Mim

It is my absolute pleasure to introduce you to...
Born on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 9:39 a.m.  
7 pounds, 11 ounces.
21 inches long.
Absolute perfection.
We are all incredibly smitten with her...even Mac.
My cup runneth over.

*All photos by the amazing Kristie Cromie of L Photographie.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer - Ashley

Ashley from Words About Waverly

First, the biggest congratulations to Sara on the birth of her sweet baby girl!!  I know that she is going to rock it as a mom of two & that Mac is going to be the best big brother.  I have loved following along with her sweet family, now her pregnancy, & I really am looking forward to reading about their future as a family of four!

I feel honored to be a part of this series, I love the idea behind it & like Sara, am a strong believer that kids benefit from growing up with pets.  I come from a family with four kids & we always had pets growing up, my parents still have a house full of dogs now!  With that being said, I was totally nervous about how our dog (an 7-year old yellow lab named Bogger) would react to a new baby throughout my pregnancy.  I'm not sure if I can go ahead & blame it on the hormones, but it was one of the (many) fears I had about bringing home our new baby girl.

Fast forward a couple years, Waverly Maye is now two-years old & it's safe to say that Bogger is her BFF. :) "Gogger" was one of Waverly's first words & she repeats it non-stop pretty much everyday.  Each morning, one of the first names she asks for is "gogger", she loves to climb into bed with us & snuggle with him. She always gives him kisses, lets him wear her jewelry, & thinks that it is hilarious when he runs around the house.
And most of all, she loves to feed him, which is how she won his heart. :)  My husband & I couldn't help but laugh the other day when we saw pictures of Bogger from a few years ago, he really is about 15 pounds heavier now!  It's crazy how much she is willing to share with him, both what she wants to eat & what she doesn't.  They really make the cutest team, & we love them both so! 
Thanks again to Sara for having us, we are so very excited to be a part of this!  We can't wait to start reading the rest of the posts, there really is nothing cuter than babies & kids, right?!  AND of course, to see pictures of Sara's sweet little baby girl. :)


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer - Chrissy

Hi, I'm Chrissy from Simple Joys blog.  When Sara first asked to participate in this series, I knew immediately that I wanted to talk about the importance of making sure to not forget all about your first babies--your fur babies--during all the excitement of having your human baby. My Chihuahuas, Fifi and Angel are treated like people, not dogs. They are babied and spoiled and they deserve that much and more. When I was pregnant with Elin, a lot of people would tell me that after I had Elin, my dogs would just become dogs to me. That thought terrified me! I absolutely did not want that to happen and made a vow to make sure to not change my feelings or the way I treated and cared for my dogs. 
Honestly, it bothered me so much that it kept me up some nights just thinking about it. I remember there were times during my maternity leave when they would aggravate me so much. They are barkers and they would bark when the baby was asleep or they would get in my way as I was pumping and they just plain annoyed me sometimes. I remember losing my temper and yelling at them and threatening to lock them in their crate. But, I always remembered that they didn't ask for this new addition to the family. We are the ones who rocked their world and added something new; and to think that it wouldn't impact them or cause more stress to them is naïve.
For those of you reading who don't have dogs, I am sure this sounds like the craziest thing, but trust me when I tell you that there is just no way to understand the love of having a loyal canine companion until you have had one. My dogs love me more than anyone in this world and they love me unconditionally. The highlight of their day is to sit with me and be with me and they are always there. They are never to busy or hurried. Their only goal each day is to eat, sleep, and spend time with me. I say me because, although they get along with my husband, child, and various other family members, I am that one person they have chosen to be their caretaker.
As you can tell by now, I am a crazy about my dogs so you would not be shocked to learn that the thoughts of them aging and their finals days are very real and very scary to me. My dogs are getting older and I know my time with them now is less than the time I have already had with them. I make sure to spend time with them everyday and to continue to show them love. I admit that sometimes it hard to make time with them and it's hard to watch out for them. I find that I put off taking them to the vet longer than if I wasn't busy with a toddler. 
DSCN4291_5x7But, I make an effort. I don't want their last day to come and for me to be too busy to see it coming or not there for them enough. They are loyal and loving and they deserve the upmost respect. As do all dogs. So don't forget about your first babies. Your fur babies. Only they can occupy that special place in your heart.

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer - Megan

Hi, I'm Megan! I blog over at Hello Newlywed Life, where the posts are filled with family, food, fun & lots of lovin'. I'm a Mom and wife first, but I also work full-time & own and design at DolceAve jewelry on the side.  I'm thrilled to be here blogging for Sara while she's (maybe) having baby Mim right now (or tomorrow).  Wishing her lots of luck! 

As busy and chaotic as our life is, we love making time to do things together as a family, which also includes out 3 year old shih tzu, Vinny. He is our first born and the sweetest little guy.
After our daughter Sofia was born, Vinny would act out by grabbing and sucking on every pacifier he could find, it was too cute to get mad & I can't count how many paci's we've had to buy! 
The two of them have created such a strong bond over the past year and a half, Sofia is obsessed with him, every time we leave the house she yells "BYE Do-da (he has about 10 nicknames, you know how it goes!), LUB YOU!"

And he can usually be found laying in her chair, which creates quite the war! ;)
Our favorite things to do as a family is getting out on long walks, we love exploring new trails in our neighborhood. Sofia usually asks "Do-da ride?" and Vinny jumps shotgun in a second. 
When I was pregnant, I never thought for a second we would forget about Vinny, but the truth is, my Mom brain is mush. Mike has stepped up to be the main care provider for him, while I provide lots of treats & cuddles. ;) I love that he fills our lives with so much joy, he really is like a brother to Sofia!
How has life changed for the pooch in your world, once your little one arrived?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mac - 2 Years, 2 Months

Dear Mr. Mac,

I'm going to finally stop calling you "Baby Mac" in these updates because you really aren't a baby anymore, despite me still trying to put you in onesies and rock you to sleep every night.  As much as I'm not ready for you to grow up, you're becoming more and more independent daily and it's been such an amazing thing watching you become your own person with (such strong) opinions. Seemingly overnight you've grown from my baby to my buddy.  As we prepare (any day now) for your baby sister's arrival, I wanted to make sure to jot down a few of the things that I never want to forget about you right now.  
You are such an incredible kid with a personality that just doesn't quit.  Everyone that meets you seems to take notice of just how wild, funny, talkative and adventurous you are.  I feel like most kids your age are either very talkative (but less active) or crazy adventurous (but less chatty) - you are a fun combination of both - you never stop moving or talking - which makes it feel like you're well beyond your age.  People peg you at 3 - 3.5 years all the time (maybe because you're also tall), which makes me want to shout "NO! HE JUST TURNED TWO, HE'S STILL A BABY!"  It's quite possible that I'm overly sensitive (and very hormonal) about the topic.  Why do you have to grow up so fast?
Speaking of growing up, this week you started nursery school summer camp and I couldn't be more proud, excited or nervous for you.  It's 3 days a week, 3 hours a day for two weeks.  Your nanny and I are both very emotional about this transition, but we know it's good for you.  This is basically the very first time you are doing something on your own without a parent, grandparent or nanny with you.  This week is about safety (which you really need to learn) and next week is music, which I'm sure you'll love.  You were such a little rockstar on the first day of school this week. You seemed to be just fine with me leaving you to play with your friends on the playground, which nearly broke my heart and also made me proud.  Your teachers said you were great all day, with a little bit of trouble making the transition from outside to inside, but you shared very well and did a great job.  You talked all night about the fish and guinea pigs and toys and friends at school. Love.
Yesterday was a bit harder for you at school and you cried off and on for quite a while until your nanny came to get you.  But once you realized someone was always coming back for you, you perked up and seemed to be fine and not too terribly traumatized. We talked a lot about that last night and you were still really excited to go back today, which is a good sign.  You told me you were sad, so Bambi went with you to school today, just in case you needed a bit of support.  So far today there's been a few tears shed, but the fire trucks are coming to school to visit, so I think you'll be just fine.  I'm anxiously awaiting news of your day as I type this right now!  You'll go another 3 days next week, while I'm in the hospital having Mim, so I hope you like it.  I don't know if you're ready for "real school" yet, but I think this is a great way to introduce the concept to you and get you used to listening to others and being in a classroom with other children.  Such a big month for us.
Otherwise, we've been having so much fun enjoying the warm weather and being outside.  You are SO active, being outside is the only way we've found to get all that energy out.  This summer has brought on a whole new set of activities and toys than last year.  No longer are you content with a water table or just a hose, you need a whole pool and a golf course to keep you entertained.  Since birth, you've always been very strong and coordinated.  You were never a "floppy baby" and you've only gotten stronger and more athletic and dexterous as the months go by.  You can hit a golf ball like I've never seen.  Hitting a baseball off a tee is too easy.  A ball thrown for you - no problem!   You alternate between hitting left and right, which makes your dad so excited for a switch hitter.  You throw with incredible accuracy (righty) and can hit a shot on your basketball hoop from 7 feet away. Your hand-eye coordination is extraordinary.  We're already looking into golf lessons because you love it so much.  You've also been taking swim lessons since January and they've moved you up to the 3 year old class.  You have zero fear of the water and kick and paddle like a big kid.  It's pretty impressive.  You're not the best at listening to the coach or paying attention in class, but we're working on it. You seem to set your own agenda and do what you want.
You are ALL boy.  You love playing in the dirt, digging for worms, mowing the grass, collecting bugs, driving tractors, trains, garbage trucks, sports, dogs and messes.  You are covered in mosquito bites, scrapes, cuts and bruises all the time.  You live to be outside and messy.  Your fingernails and toenails are disgusting.  You throw EVERYTHING, which drives me crazy.  You love dumping things out just to make a mess.  You want to get your hands in/on everything. You're absolutely fearless.  And I love it all.  
You also insist on doing things on your own and in your own way.  There is no showing you how to do something, you want to do it "BY SELF!!"  We try to let you as much as we can, but sometimes it drives us nuts that you won't let us help with hard stuff.  I know this is typical of toddlers, but you are so stubborn and adamant about it sometimes.  You insist on doing everything your own way, when and where you want.  You must get into your highchair by yourself and buckle yourself in.  You insist on putting on your clothes and shoes by yourself and won't accept help.  You are the most demanding and persistent child I've ever met.  Tantrums and meltdowns happen multiples times a day because you want things YOUR way.  When you want something, you absolutely will not let it go.  I think you get that from me, but sometimes I really wish you'd gotten a little less of it.  We're working on not giving you everything you want ALL THE TIME (because you're so spoiled!), but it's hard on us. I think having a sibling is going to be the best thing to happen to you - although I can guarantee you will absolutely not agree for a long time.
As for having a sibling, things are about to change dramatically at home and I worry constantly about how you're going to handle everything.  I know that it'll all work out eventually, but I think the initial transition from only child to big brother is going to be particularly hard on you.  You get so much attention now, that I am nervous that you'll feel left out or frustrated when the baby arrives.  Right now you have a very difficult time sharing the attention with anyone.  Even if your dad and I are talking to each other it drives you nuts that we're not focusing completely on you.  If all goes according to schedule, Mim will be 2 years, 2 months and 2 days younger than you, which I think is pretty cool.  But sometimes I wish the time difference was more/less because you're at a very difficult age (terrible twos are no joke) and I just don't know how we're going to handle you and a newborn at the same time.  Let's hope Mim is like her daddy and super laid-back.  I am really excited about getting to spend more time with you during maternity leave, but I also have concerns.  You have a very hard time when the nanny and I are both home with you, which has me worried about the next three months.  But I know you're really smart and will catch on quickly. I have confidence in you, it just may take us a while to get it all figured out.  That's ok.  We'll get there.
I am so excited about the changes coming to our little family.  I'm thrilled and honored to be becoming a mother again and I can't wait to watch you become a big brother.  I know you'll protect her and love her fiercely.  You have such a big heart and can be so tender and affectionate, when you want to be.  I know it may be hard on you over the next few months as we figure things out, but you'll always be my baby and the love of my life.  I am so lucky to have you.

Book - I Stink, Go Away Dog, Horton Hatches an Egg
Food - "Daddy Pasta"
Color - red
Number - three
Shows - Daniel Tiger
Movies - Aristocats, Toy Story 2
Animal - giraffe
Activity - digging for worms, swimming, golf, mowing
Toy - Koko the train, Sophie the giraffe, lawnmower
Stuffed animal - Bambi ("Banga")
Treat - snowcones, cupcakes and black cookies
Jammies - red garbage (fire) truck jammies
Day - Thursday (GARBAGE TRUCK DAY!)
Fruit - pears, grapes, strawberries
Song - Monkey & the Engineer by Grateful Dead, Happy Birthday

Being told no
Bear jammies
Pasta not in penne/rigatoni form
Mac Says:
"Nope, not" anytime just "no" would be sufficient.
Me: Are you hungry?
Mac: Nope, not.

"No wayho sayhose ho" (No way, Jose)

He always wants me to try things that I say I can't do.  I love that about him.
Mac: Mama sit right here (on the back of his tiny trike seat while he's also sitting on it).
Me: I can't fit there.
Mac: Try?

"Pash Matatoes" (mashed potatoes)

As I'm leaving the house in the morning...
Mac: I love you, mama.
Me: I love you, baby.
Mac: I love you, mama.
Me: I love you, baby.
Mac: I love you, mama.
Me: I love you, baby.
Mac: I love you, mama.
Me: I love you, baby.
This can go on 100 times or so...

"Morgan" (more, again)

Phone rings...
Me: Who's calling you?
Mac: Papa.
Me: What does he want?
Mac: To dig for worms.