Running from the Law: Thursday Link Love


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday Link Love

Olivia Wilde is turning 30 and has some wonderful advice

Going here tonight with the BFF for wine and painting - follow me on Instagram to see what a miserable painter I am

Some of my favorite bloggers (Natasha, Jessica, Megan, Sarah) are featured on The EveryGirl blog in a post called Lessons of Motherhood 

Mac's newest obsession - we have to drag him out of it every night kicking and screaming

Excellent video on nailing the focus with your DSLR (seriously, WATCH THIS)

We have been spending a LOT of time here this summer - two words: free beer

Zulilly is featuring Melissa & Doug toys today - that latches board that I blogged about last week is on sale for $19

Hilarious new Mumford and Sons video and jamming with Jimmy Fallon

I just started reading this book last night - so far so good. What are you reading this summer?

Have a friend expecting a baby?  Here's what new moms really want

The "New Me" - how life is different after becoming a parent


  1. We read so much of the same stuff!! Read that Olivia Wilde post the other day and it made me love her SO MUCH.

    The Lessons in Motherhood post is awesome.

    I own A Visit from the GoonSquad but haven't read it yet. Currently devouring Gone Girl.

    Oh and Julie from I Like Beer & Babies is very cool. We have lunch sometimes. And lives in STL as you probably know. We should all do lunch!

  2. I read the "Hurry Up" article this morning and couldn't stop the tears. Amazing read that every parent needs to check out.

  3. Love all the links but love all of Mac's pics more!!! How are these boys getting so big?!?!

  4. I love the slowing down post! I so needed that.

  5. I'm loving these...... making a point to read them all after the mini goes to bed! Such a fun idea to do a round-up of great links!

  6. LOVE Olivia's take on turning 30 (though I definitely failed on the travel and baby front!) and thanks for the shout out love! Last, E is OBSESSED with the truck too! So funny!!!

  7. I'm not going to lie.. I came here for the pictures of baby Mac -- SOO FREAKING ADORABLE. Some great links too :)

  8. Wow- there are like at least three links here that I'm all YES YES YES about. Thanks for sharing.

  9. There's free beer at Grant's Farm?! I must go there.

    And the bubble necklace link? WOW!

    And I need to go to the wine painting place, but I don't know if wine will actually help me paint any better.
