Running from the Law: Every Day in May


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Every Day in May

Last month, I set two goals for myself - not only did I want to document a "Day in the Life" of our family, but I also wanted to try to post one picture a day to my Instagram account every day in May.  I'm always amazed by people that can find the time (and remember) to do those 365 Photo a Day projects for an entire year and I knew there was no way I could make that kind of commitment, but I figured I'd give it a try for one month.  Even if I didn't remember to take a photo with my phone each day, I wanted to try to remember to post something to IG that accurately portrayed what was going on in our lives.  With Mim's impending arrival, I wanted to capture a few last moments of our little family of three, with Mac as the center of our universe.  

The Day in the Life post turned out to be a lot more fun (and work) than I remembered it being. So much to document!  It's pretty awesome though, to be able to look back at your day and see how much you really did accomplish and get done.  I was surprised to hear all the reader comments about how tired I must be.  Fuck yeah, I'm tired!  But no more tired than any of you...I think it just sounds more exhausting when you write it all down.  I'm sure your days would look just as crazy and busy if you documented every minute of it.  I'm so glad that I did, though.  I can't wait to see how life changes with the addition of a new baby here soon.  I have a feeling everything will slow down for a while (fingers crossed), before ramping back up to full speed.  Hopefully I can do another one of these posts in the fall.

As for my photo-a-day Instagram challenge, I'm happy to say that I did it!  I'm actually pretty proud of myself for keeping up with the project.  Some days I didn't remember to post something until the very end of the day while I was going to bed, but most days it was pretty easy to remember to do.  Some days I even posted more than once!  Woah!  Most of the photos were taken that day with my phone, but I had to (or wanted to) improvise a few times with pictures from my big camera or photos taken by the nanny (only 3 times though).  All in all I'd consider it a success.  And since I'm on a roll, I'm going to try to keep it up.  I'm not promising a photo every day in June, but so far I'm keeping up (yes, it's only June 3).  It's actually really great to look back at these photos and see all the fun things we did last month (trip to the farm, lots of worm digging, birthday party and beach vacation).  This is something I'd really like to get better about doing. 
Have any of you tried documenting your day, week, month or year?  
How did it go?  
Do you document with text (day in the life post) or with photos (through social media)?  


  1. Way to go! I always have intentions of doing things daily but if I don't set a reminder in my phone I won't do it! For Lent I would send a text to hubs with something I appreciated about him everyday. About half way through I started setting reminders on my phone because I wouldn't remember until I was laying in bed at night!

  2. Great job documenting and getting unique and creative shots!

  3. You are amazing with the photo every day! Somehow I always seem to forget about instagram...I really should use it more. I'm going to attempt a day in the life post later this week, so we'll see how it goes!

  4. Love this!!! I'm totally going to try to take a photo-a-day in June. This post was so inspiring. Such hard work to remember such a simple thing though. :/ Great job!!

  5. Love this! You got some great photo's. I too have thought about doing the 365 photo challenge but knew I couldn't commit. I am currently doing the 100 happy days challenge and it's hard enough, I love it though because it really makes you look for the happy in your day :)


  6. i love this! i've just done one photo a day challenge and it was one that they gave you the categories each day - doing your family though is so fun!

  7. Fun -- good for you for sticking with it :) I've been taking a photo-a-day since my daughter was born in May 2013. I've missed a handful of days here or there, but otherwise I've kept with it! They are so much fun to go back and look through.

  8. you are totally my hero for sticking to this! i didnt even make it 2 months!! so you kinda rock :)

  9. You really get the best pics, Sara! It's always so much fun to get your IG feeds. So cute!

  10. That's awesome! Not only did you post a photo every day, but you managed to post a beautiful photo every day! I feel inspired to try this as well :)

  11. I love documenting daily life! I've been doing a picture a day since 2012 and I love it. I put them into Project Life scrapbooks and even though I'm a year behind on that project, I love this idea!

  12. Wow! I'm so impressed mama! I love doing DITL posts but like you said, they are so much work! Yours was so much better than mine. I forget to take pictures or document anything once I get to work so it just ends up kind of boring in the middle of the day lol. I'm so impressed you did a picture a day in May. Half the time I either take way too many pictures in one day or none at all. I love the idea though! Maybe I will do it in July since it's Mason's birth month :)

  13. Looks like you had a beautiful and fabulous May! Gorgeous photos! xo

  14. Love the daily photos! It IS hard trying to remember to do all the shit you need to do every day to keep a small human alive... AND THEN snap a picture.
    There's an app I love that is basically this concept. It's called Collect. You add a photo a day into a little calendar. If it wasn't for that app I'd never remember to take a picture!
